Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Grand Family Recipe Book

Hey Grand Family!
I'm working on a Grand Family Cookbook.  I'm hoping that you all will overwhelm our inbox with your favorite family recipes.  A few of you have already sent me recipes and I do thank you. As for the rest of you, I've created a form that you can print  HERE.  You can scan it and email it back to me or just type it into an email as long as you include all the info. and photos, or mail it to me at the address on the form.

Here's a sample page so you can get a better idea of what I'm talking about.  I'll put the pages together you just need to send me the recipes and photos.

So, gather up your favorite family recipes - heck they don't even have to be your favorite but if it's a recipe you remember your mom, dad, grandma, or grandpa, (etc.) making often SEND IT TO ME.

Please include a photo of the person the recipe belongs to and any comments you'd like to share about the recipe - maybe you have a story about how the recipe came to be, or a funny comment about the first time you made the recipe, or maybe you'd just like to say what makes the recipe so "GRAND" - whatever the case just send it to me.

Don't make me beg people, the sooner I get your treasured recipes, photos and comments, the sooner I can get them made into a book. So, don't delay, start sending them today.  I'll eagerly be watching my mail :)

Print or Download the recipe form HERE

Thanks for your help with this.

UPDATE 3/16/16:  STILL WAITING!!!  Are you people even reading this stuff???

1 comment:

  1. Lauri, your cookbook plan is brilliant, what a GRAND idea! You are so very creative! I'm looking forward to purchasing a copy and I hope Vanona's chocolate cake recipe will be in it. I will dig through my Gramma's recipe box, I know she had some favorites of mine in there... Thanks so much for all your love poured into this website, blog and now this wonderful family treasure of a cookbook... you are deeply appreciated, I love you! Mitzi


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