Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Thank you!

Just a quick note to say "Thank you" to Denise (and Larry too) for a wonderful 2024 reunion.  The location was wonderful, and the smoked brisket and pork were delicious.  Thank you for all the effort you put into making it so fun for the rest of us.

Also, we were super speedy getting all of the paperwork done this year, so the totals for this year's reunion are already posted on the State of the Reunion page. Check it out!

It came to our attention again this year that some folks don't understand the concept that paying the price for the meal is not just to pay for the meat.  It doesn't matter if you're vegan or carnivore, or if you only eat what you brought.  The funds that we receive should probably be called an attendance fee.  The fee covers the meat, the venue and any other expenses.  the Auction has also been a good way to pay for the expense of the reunion.  The organizers try to break even each year but as you can see on the State of the Reunion page, some years we have a profit and some a loss. So, please don't come to the reunion and not pay the full price - it hurts all of us.  Heck, even the organizers pay.  Hope that clears things up.

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